Monday, September 23, 2013

Falooda Vermicelli for Kulfi Ice-cream

Falooda Vermicelli for Kulfi Ice-cream

Falooda is vermicelli made from ground Arrowroot or fine corn flour. This falooda is different from the falooda drink that is served in Mumbai and countries like Iran. It is served chilled with the Indian ice-cream called Kulfi
Serves 4.
100 gm. arrow-root powder or fine corn flour (the one used for making custard or for thickening sauces and not the one used for making corn roties)
400 ml. water
A large bowl of water with plenty of (at least 30 %) ice cubes.
1 tsp. of kewra (screwpine) water or rose water. You could use essence too, but use less, as essence is quite concentrated
A vermicelli maker

1. Dissolve arrow-root or corn flour in water. It should be quite watery at this stage. Use more water if it is not.
2. Cook on a medium fire, stirring CONSTANTLY, until it turns into a thick, smooth paste and looks semi translucent.
3. Add essence to the bowl of cold water & ice.
4. Fill the paste into a vermicelli maker, while still hot.
5. Make vermicelli, dropping them directly into ice cold water.
6. Keep chilled until ready to serve.
7. To serve Kulfi-falooda:
8. Take the Kulfi out of the freezer for 10-20 minutes before serving depending on your climate. It should be soft-ish consistency, not rock hard. If in a hurry, place in microwave at 600 power for 30 seconds.
9. Drain one portion of falooda per person, about a dessert spoon full, using a slotted spoon or a small tea strainer and place it on individual dessert plates.
10. If kulfi is frozen in kulfi moulds, ease it out of the mould with the help of a knife and place it on top of the falooda. If frozen in a tub, tip the tub over onto a flat surface and cut one thick slices per person and place the slice on top of the falooda.
11. Serve immediately.
12. If you have difficulty in making falooda vermicelli, you can make the agar-agar jelly cubes. Buy a packet from Chinese supermarket, flavour with rose essence and a tiny amount of red colour, to make it rose pink. When set, cut into small diamonds and serve chilled with kulfi or Rabri.

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